Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Free Kashmir
82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426
Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Last Pharaoh and Victory of Egyptian People on Feb. 11, 2011

Hundreds of people in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut including people of conscience assembled in front of the United Nations [47th Street and 1st Avenue from 1 to 4 pm] to celebrate the victory of the Egyptian people who peacefully forced the dictator Mubarak of 30 years to run away from the occupied public face of Egypt. After 18 days and nights the struggle of the Egyptian people who stood courageously for dignity and respect and declared like the Tunisian people they will not be ruled by the agent of the imperial Western powers [U.S], saw their demand that Mubarak step down on the same day that the Iranian people declared their nation free from the hated Shah of Iran thirty two years ago. February 11 is now a day that will shine like a star because two U.S. supported dictators fell into the dustbin of history.

Pakistan USA Freedom Forum Secretary General Shahid Comrade shares the struggle of the Pakistani people against the military dictatorship supported by Washington, the Pentagon and western powers. Pakistan’s ex-dictator, General Pervez Musharraf kidnapped and sold the Pakastani sons and daughters [Dr. Afia Siddqui] and humans and sold to the Western powers [CIA].

He and his croonies [Shoukat Aziz] stole billions of dollars from poor Pakistanis and now living lavishly in London, played a similar subservient role as U.S. agent; and to this day is despised for the many crimes his dictatorial regime committed. Even now the Pakistani people suffer from his oppressive and pro-Washington policies. It was Musharraf who opened the country to the U.S. Black Water military contractors like Raymond Davis, now being held for killing two Pakistani citizens. In reality, Davis killed 4 Pakistani citizens, as Mrs. Shumaila, the sixth month long bride of one of the men shot by Davis committed suicide after learning of her husband’s death. The fourth innocent Pakistani ran over by the U.S. Conselate's four-wheeler who is coming to wisk murderer Ramon Davis. The Pakistani people are united in demanding that Davis be tried for his crime and not receive a phony ‘diplomatic’ immunity pushed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Pakistan’s foreign minister has resigned rather than bow down to the dictate of the U.S., trying to save one of their many agents sent into Pakistan.

Comrade Shahid praised the struggle of the Egyptian people and hopes that the Egyptian people will demand that the Egyptian army will never use the guns against the people of Egypt and have learned a lesson from the struggle of people from all walks of life in Egyptian society (labor peasants, workers, intellectuals, writers, men, women, students, and different ethnic groups and religions). He hopes that the Egyptian people will demand an open investigation into the bank accounts of the army generals who shared in the booty given to Mubarak over the last 10 years. If the Western governments are true to their words about justice and equality, now is the chance to prove they are men and women of honor by opening the bank accounts of the Egyptian officials and generals to reveal how much money has been deposited outside of Egypt. That dirty, stolen money (billion$, billion$, billion$) in the bank accounts of all the top office bearers of Mubarak's party must be returned to the people of Egypt. That money will help solve the economic problems of Egypt and should be given to the people and families who sacrificed their lives and were injured over the last 18 days fighting against the 30-year dictatorship of Mubarak. The rest of the money should be used to help end the extreme poverty and improve the educational system of Egypt.

Pakistan General Secretary hopes that the Egyptian caretaker government will lift the emergency rule immediately and release all political prisoners from jails as the first step toward the fair and free elections. Long live the Egyptian, Tunisian, and Pakistani peoples struggle for dignity, respect and an end to foreign domination!

Rally and celebration for the Egyptian revolution!
Dr. Muhammad Shafique
President Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
(917) 280-0840


Free Kashmir No Indian Army PAKISTAN – USA FREEDOM FORUM 82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426 Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543 E-mail: pa...