Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Dr Afia sentenced 86 yrs And FBI Raids
No Indian Army
82-44 243rd Street
Bellerose, NY 11426
(718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
End Raids and Deportations
Stop Dividing Families
was sentenced on
September 23, 2010 to
86 years + life
by Judge Berman]
was pressured into accepting a 15 year sentence, as he could not get real justice in the courts in the US today
The sentencing of Dr. Aafia to 86 years + life is a continuation of a whole history of unjust convictions and sentences. To mention only a few, we remind our readers of the cases of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Lynne Stewart, Leonard Peltier, Cuba 5 and the Move 9. We also mention the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have been arrested and deported each year, even more now under Obama than before under Bush. Finally, we must mention the FBI raids on September 24 on houses of anti-war and solidarity activists. These activists had their computers and papers seized, and about a dozen were given subpoenas to grand juries, all because they gave political support to fighters for national liberation, whom the government has classified as “terrorists.” All these attacks on human rights are undermining the very principles that the U.S. Constitution was supposed to guarantee.
PAKUSAFF would like to thank all human rights organizations who supported Dr Aafia at her trial, especially Sara Flounders (IAC), Debra Sweet (World Cant Wait), Michelle Hunt and notably Cindy Sheehan who came all the way from Texas to support Dr Aafia Siddiqui. These women leaders spoke for courageous and brave Aafia and pleaded justice and freedom from the court. We are also grateful for the support of The Peace Foundation from Washington DC, Project Salam, Liaquat Baloch, Ameer Jamaat Islami Munawar Hassan, and Imran Khan from Pakistan, Lord Nazir, member of the UK parliament, El-Hajjmauri Saalakhan, Yvonne Ridely, the International Justice Network, Free Aafia Campaign, Radio Africa and all New Yorkers regardless of color, ethnicity, gender or kind of labor.
We would also like to thank the people of Pakistan, who have suffered a lot through the military dictatorship of Musharraf, Prime Minister Shoukat, the servant of Citibank, the floods, the so-called elected government of Benazir Bhutto (who came to power under the shameless "NRO" deal made with dictator Musharraf. He and the civilian governments that followed have given free access to American mercenaries, the FBI and CIA to come to Pakistan without any immigration papers to kidnap anyone (the so-called "missing people") under the supervision of the Bush-Obama/Blair-Brown governments.
Dr. Aafia was found guilty based only on evidence of US troops and other US agents in Pakistan. Since then, a campaign to demand that she be repatriated to Pakistan under existing agreements between the two governments. In 24 hours, over 100,000 signatures were gathered from all over the world in an e-mail petition. Pakistani government has now contacted the U.S government requesting this.
Dr Aafia Siddiqui is a victim of torture and abuse who was kept in jail on false accusations here in United States of America (the land of free and justice for all). Her trial is a shame on the US justice system. She was held without any medical treatment until the court ordered it and after Bush’s prosecutor lied by saying the Dr. Aafia refused to be seen by a male doctor. The prosecutors never turned over all the documents to the defense attorneys, even though they were required to do so and lied in saying that they did. Also, Dr. Aafia never accepted any attorney, knowing that she would not be able to receive justice in the court. Finally, the whole trial was not held in an open court, as anyone entering the courtroom or overflow room was required to give their ids.
Dr Aafia is a 36-year-old Pakistani neuroscientist, allegedly charged with attempted murder of FBI agent(s) in Afghanistan. These charges, as well as fabricated tales about her supposed ‘ties to Al Qaeda’, were spread in the U.S. media without any credible evidence. She was illegally kidnapped with her three young children in Karachi in 2003 and was taken to U.S. custody in Afghanistan where she was shot and severely wounded during an interrogation by FBI agents.
Fahad Hashmi is a 29-year-old Pakistani who has degrees from universities in New York and London. According to London Police, he allowed an acquaintance Junaid Babar to stay at his London apartment for two weeks in 2004. Babar left raincoats and waterproof socks at the apartment in Hashmi’s luggage and later on Hashmi was arrested at Heathrow Airport on June 6, 2006, and charged with providing material support to al-Qaeda. Although he was not accused of providing money or resources to al-Qaeda, he was held in the general prison population of Belmarsh Prison in England for 11 months, and then extradited to the United States, where he was held in solitary confinement for over a year without any charges. He agreed to accept a 15-year sentence because he felt that he could not get justice in the U.S. courts in the present political climate.
Contact: Shahid Comrade 917-280-0840 pakusaff@hotmail.com, Kouser Izhar 732-829-2601 kizhar1@hotmail.com, Mashal Anjum – Student Coordinator 732-570-4076 mashalanjum@gmail.com
Shahid Comrade
Secretary General (917) 280-0840
Dr. Mohammed Shafique
President (718) 343-1653
TPS andDouble Standard of Obama Administration
No Indian Army 82-44 243 St. Bellerose, NY 11426 End the Raids and
Tel. (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543 Deportations
E-mail: Pakusaff@hotmail.com
Double Standard of Obama Administration
Towards National Disaster in Pakistan
In July, severe floods struck across Pakistan, killing thousands of people, making millions homeless, and poisoning much of the water supply for the whole country. This has affected the entire population, as even mothers cannot get clean water for their newborn children.
For the first time, all elements of the Pakistani community are united on the demand for Temporary Protective Status (TPS). Former Prime Minister Ch. Shujat of the PMLQ issued a statement calling for TPS, and the MQM attended a meeting in New York demanding TPS (both parties, PMLQ and MQM, were part of the government of Dictator Musharraf / Shoukat Aziz, and MQM is still part of the present Gillani government).
The Obama administration could provide this TPS with a stroke of the pen. It is a humanitarian measure which does not need to go through Congress. But so far this administration has done nothing (except more murderous drone attacks on civilians violating the sovereignty of Pakistan). Even after promising legalization for all, Obama deported more immigrants.
TPS would allow all Pakistanis, regardless of immigration status, to work in their country of residence and send money home to help their families. It would mean that Pakistanis facing Deportation could be released from detention centers. It would also allow Pakistanis to go home to see their loved ones, pay respect to relatives lost in the the recent floods, and return to the U.S. This TPS should be retroactive to July.
We also request that attorneys interested in human rights charge only nominal fees for processing TPS papers and that humanitarian organizations pay all expenses for those who are in detention centers. We also ask that countries of the European Union, the Middle East and everywhere that there are Pakistanis providing low-wage labor also provide these immigrants with a similar status.
The U.S. government and other colonial powers have always attacked certain groups of people who opposed their reactionary policies. They attacked communists and other leftists from the time of the “Red Scare” of the 1920s, when foreign-born communists were threatened with deportation, until now when the FBI is raiding the homes of anti-war and international solidarity activists, seizing their files and subpoenaing them to appear before grand juries. Now they are attacking and demonizing Muslims who oppose the U.S. wars of terror against the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U.S., and many European governments maintain a double standard by sanctioning and threatening war against Iran. This continues even as they provide billions of dollars annually to support their client Zionist state, Israel, in oppressing the Palestinian people, and providing atomic reactors and fuel to India, who continue killing innocent people in occupied Kashmir. Both Israel and India continue violating multiple U.N. resolutions in occupied Palestine and Kashmir.
Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum would like to thank all those who are participating in the fight for TPS for Pakistanis, especially the Awami National Party ,Mr. Abdullah Abid of Boston, and Attorney Saleem Rizvi. We call on all immigrant rights organizations, human rights and social justice groups to support this demand.
Finally, we would like to point out that Pak-USA FF was one of the first groups to support the TPS for Haitians after the devastating earthquake that struck their country in January. The Pakistani community has always been in the forefront of the fights against wars, torture and rendition, racism and police brutality, and for open courts, a free press and equality and civil rights for all!
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
International Call against Martial law from NY
Stop Dividing Families
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333 E-mail: E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir –
No Indian Army
1. On Wednesday, Novenber 1st, realizing that the Musharev military dictatorship, operating under the protection of the United States and the imperial Western powers, was about to declare martial law, PAKISTAN USA FREEDOM FORUM (PAKUSAFF) informed Pakistanis around the world that in 72 hours there would be a military crackdown. PAKUSAFF asked all peace -loving people to mount a campaign in the streets, from Johanesburg to London, Amsterdam to New York, whereever freedom-loving Pakistanis were living. On that day there were spontaneous demonstrations all over the world against the evil Musharev regime.
2. In New York City hundreds of people went to the Pakistani consulate, to protest the fact that the US puppet -dictator Musharev had arrested Pakistan's 12 Supreme Court judges and placed the country under the the darkness of military repression. Musharev and the armed forces, protect by Washington and the Western powers shut down the government. The dictatorship forbade Pakistanis from speaking with the media, and placed a ban on journalists both from Pakistan and around the world. If anyone gave unauthorized interviews, the dictatorship promised to meet out severe punishment.
3. On Saturday, November 3rd, at 9:00 AM in New York, 6:00 PM in Pakistan, the moment Martial Law was imposed, hundreds of Pakistanis in New York came out in front of the Pakistani consolate to express their anger and outrage as the tyranny of martial law was bloodying the streets of Lahore and elsewhere in Pakistan.
4. On Monday, Nov. 5 Pakistani students at Columbia University, along with Pakistani students in other countries, in solidarity with their their fellow students in Pakistan; demonstrated against the military dictatorship, and for democracy, freedom of the press, and the restorations of the judges whom Musharev sacked. The judges had resisted the crackdown because martial law was in contradiction to the Constitution of Pakistan. But Washington's toy poodle, Musharev invalidated both the judges and the Constitution with impunity. The Musharev regime, with Washington's support has been for SIX YEARS using the Pakistani Army to murder the Pushtoon and Baluchi people near the Afghanistanian borders in Northern Pakistan, calling them "terrorists."
In New York and around the World :
5. PAKUSAFF USA calls out to every progressive organization, in all countries to demonstrate against the brutal suppression of freedom in Pakistan, aided and abetted by the United States and Western governments. All over the world, working people who oppose the occupation of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, who are against military dictatorships in Burma/Mayanmar, Nepal, Egypt , and others, to join with all opponents of US and Western imperialism in Chechnya, ,Armenia and elsewhere and to unite in soldarity with the people of Pakistan in demonstrations on November 8th.
6. The New York demonstration will take place on Thursday November 8th in front of the UN at 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 42nd Street and First Avenue.
7. To speak to an organizer of this event, call Dr. Jemshed leader of the Khybar Society 917 664 0726, or Comrade Shahid General Secretary From Pakistan-USA 917 280-0840.
8. This demonstration will precede a WOMEN'S HUNGER STRIKE, to begin on Friday MORNING November 9th at 11:00 AM. That dHUNGER STRIKE will be in support of the Pakistani women who oppose the US/Pakistani repression. It will be held until 4:00 PM on Friday at the PakIstani Consulate, 65TH STREET BETWEEN 5TH AVENUE AND MADISON AVENUE. The women are honoring the tradition of the "Mother of the Nation," Fatima Jinneh, the first woman, in 1958, to stand up against Ayoub Khan, the first dictator of Pakistan. Khan, with Washington and Western support, jailed all his opponents. Fatima Jinneh was the sister Pakistan's founding father Quid-e Azim, (the great leader) Mohammad Ali Jinneh, who died in 1948.
9. On Friday EVENING , November 9th there will be a meeting to discuss the devlopments and resistance in Pakistan at Workers World Solidarity Center, 55 W. 17th Street, fifith floor. a hallal dinner will be served. 6:30 PM. call 212 633 6646
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
You Got Peace
No Indian Army 2257 92nd Street Families
East Elmhurst, NY 11369 End the Raids and
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543 Deportations
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Today thousands of people from around the US are marching through the streets of Washington, DC. For the last six years the prestige of the US has been going down in the eyes of world opinion. We have been lied to and deceived as the government takes over the job of the UN and tries to run the world in the name of “War on terrorism”. Afghanistan and Iraq have become quagmires for the US while at home it does not care for working people, organized labor, African-American people and immigrants. The quality of housing, education and health care have all deteriorated. The US government is only interested in those with money.
A conference of world Muslim scholars has called for a dialogue with any group that has been called terrorist just as the Bush government did with North Korea after labeling it part of the “axis of evil”. The US does not have one good friend in the world to tell it that its policies are wrong, not the EU, NATO, or the Islamic Conference.
As a result, the masses of Americans have become increasingly frustrated with the Congress for continuing to fund the war and with the Justice Department and judges for endorsing repressive legislation like the Patriot Act. The American people want resources to help rebuild the US and provide adequate health care, better education and jobs for all. They demand an amnesty for immigrant working people; this will help to unite millions of families who should not be treated as criminals. The people want their sons and daughters to return home safe before they suffer further physical and mental damage.
Abroad they want an end to the secret detentions in Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals. The American people desire a foreign policy that will again bring respect to the US by treating countries as equals. In line with this the people of Burma should be support in their fight against the dictatorship as well as the people of Nepal in their struggle for democracy and against the monarchy. Military attacks, like the one launched by Israel against Syria should be condemned and her sovereignty respected. So should that of Kashmir. And the Palestinians should be recognized in their demand for an independent state. The occupations of Kashmir and Palestine must end!
The US should halt its war of words against Iran. If the US and other nuclear powers want to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons they should start at home and reduce their own nuclear stockpiles. No country should attack or threaten to attack nuclear facilities in another country.
Bring the Troops Home NOW
End the raids and deportation, Amnesty for all immigrants end the backlog.
End supporting the dictators in the name of democracy.
Dr.Muhamad Shafique Mr.Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Poodle in west Dictator in Pakistan
No Indian Army 2257 92nd Street Families
East Elmhurst, NY 11369 End the Raids and
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543 Deportations
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir PAKISTAN – USA FREEDOM FORUM Stop Dividing
No Indian Army 2257 92nd Street Families
East Elmhurst, NY 11369 End the Raids and
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543 Deportations
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Pakistanis living in the USA admire the nation of Pakistan’s struggle for human rights. The people of Pakistan have defeated imperialism from the United Kingdom and today we expect a strong voice in solidarity against aggression, Zionism and foreign occupation.
Even when you do not have money you stand for human rights and self determination. Pakistan is truly a unique nation. Many in the world look towards the people of Pakistan for moral support. There are similar struggles for self determination and democratic values being waged in Nepal, Burma, Palestine and Somalia today, and they deserve our solidarity.
Of course, the people of Pakistan are themselves in the middle of a major fight to regain democracy! When the nation’s dictator General Musharaf assumed power he declared that he would no longer wear his military uniform. He lied to us then just as he continues to lie today. He has used guns to violate the Constitution. Musharaf has become a disgrace to Pakistani human values. In effect he has become the poodle of the West as he allows US imperialism to attack our brothers and sisters in Pakistan and to use our land for launching attacks against Afghanistan.
Today we see how monks in Burma take to the streets and are killed for defending democracy and resisting the monarchy. But on the 12th of May in our country it was the occupation of the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) which provoked a similar violent response from Musharaf’s thugs as they killed hundreds of religious students and their sympathizers. Many other hundreds have been killed and countless thousands have disappeared during Musharaf’s reign. Musharaf counts on the corrupt, treacherous politicians who benefit from secret deals with him.
Winds of change are sweeping the globe and they will also come to our region. As we prepare for the arrival of change we must demand the following:
1. General Musharaf must resign immediately.
2. All political prisoners, labor activists, students, human rights activists and intellectuals must be released.
3. A caretaker government to be put in place until free and democratic elections are held under international supervision and the participation of ex president Jimmy Carter’s electoral watchdog organization.
4. Politicians who were in voluntary exile for the last five years should not be allowed to participate as they are just waiting to implement similar policies.
Pakistanis living in the USA admire the nation of Pakistan’s struggle for human rights. The people of Pakistan have defeated imperialism from the United Kingdom and today we expect a strong voice in solidarity against aggression, Zionism and foreign occupation.
Even when you do not have money you stand for human rights and self determination. Pakistan is truly a unique nation. Many in the world look towards the people of Pakistan for moral support. There are similar struggles for self determination and democratic values being waged in Nepal, Burma, Palestine and Somalia today, and they deserve our solidarity.
Of course, the people of Pakistan are themselves in the middle of a major fight to regain democracy! When the nation’s dictator General Musharaf assumed power he declared that he would no longer wear his military uniform. He lied to us then just as he continues to lie today. He has used guns to violate the Constitution. Musharaf has become a disgrace to Pakistani human values. In effect he has become the poodle of the West as he allows US imperialism to attack our brothers and sisters in Pakistan and to use our land for launching attacks against Afghanistan.
Today we see how monks in Burma take to the streets and are killed for defending democracy and resisting the monarchy. But on the 12th of May in our country it was the occupation of the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) which provoked a similar violent response from Musharaf’s thugs as they killed hundreds of religious students and their sympathizers. Many other hundreds have been killed and countless thousands have disappeared during Musharaf’s reign. Musharaf counts on the corrupt, treacherous politicians who benefit from secret deals with him.
Winds of change are sweeping the globe and they will also come to our region. As we prepare for the arrival of change we must demand the following:
1. General Musharaf must resign immediately.
2. All political prisoners, labor activists, students, human rights activists and intellectuals must be released.
3. A caretaker government to be put in place until free and democratic elections are held under international supervision and the participation of ex president Jimmy Carter’s electoral watchdog organization.
4. Politicians who were in voluntary exile for the last five years should not be allowed to participate as they are just waiting to implement similar policies.
Peace we All Love
No Indian Army 2257 92nd Street Families
East Elmhurst, NY 11369 End the Raids and
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543 Deportations
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Today thousands of people from around the US are marching through the streets of Washington, DC. For the last six years the prestige of the US has been going down in the eyes of world opinion. We have been lied to and deceived as the government takes over the job of the UN and tries to run the world in the name of “War on terrorism”. Afghanistan and Iraq have become quagmires for the US while at home it does not care for working people, organized labor, Black people and immigrants. The quality of housing, education and health care have all deteriorated. The US government is only interested in those with money.
A conference of world Muslim scholars has called for a dialogue with any group that has been called terrorist just as the Bush government did with North Korea after labeling it part of the “axis of evil”. The US does not have one good friend in the world to tell it that its policies are wrong, not the EU, NATO, or the Islamic Conference.
As a result, the masses of Americans have become increasingly frustrated with the Congress for continuing to fund the war and with the Justice Department and judges for endorsing repressive legislation like the Patriot Act. The American people want resources to help rebuild the US and provide adequate health care, better education and jobs for all. They demand an amnesty for immigrant working people, this will help to unite millions of families who should not be treated as criminals. The people want their sons and daughters to return home safe before they suffer further physical and mental damage.
Abroad they want an end to the secret detentions in Guantanamo Bay and military tribunals. The American people desire a foreign policy that will again bring respect to the US by treating countries as equals. In line with this the people of Burma should be supported in their fight against the dictatorship as well as the people of Nepal in their struggle for democracy and against the monarchy. Military attacks, like the one launched by Israel against Syria should be condemned and her sovereignty respected. So should that of Kashmir. And the Palestinians should be recognized in their demand for an independent state. The occupations of Kashmir and Palestine must end!
Finally, the US should halt its war of words against Iran. If the US and other nuclear powers want to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons they should start at home and reduce their own nuclear stockpiles. No country should attack or threaten to attack nuclear facilities in another country.
The people of the entire world demand peace!
Son of soil /NAWAZ SHARIF
> The Pakistan USA Freedom Forum condemns the kidnap and expulsion of two time
> Pakistani Prime Minister Mohammed Nawaz Shariff who returned to the
> motherland after 7 years excile. Shariff's expulsion violates the
> Constitution of Pakistan, international norms and the Charter of the United
> Nations. We demand that the US and the UN observe international rule of law.
> Let the US show the world that she really stands for democracy and citizen's
> rights. Pakistan needs Saudi Arabia and Arab governments to act as a friend
> and to stop supporting dictatorship as a puppet of imperialism when
> Pakistanis are preparing for elections. Free and fair elections are the only
> guarantor of peace and prosperity in the world. That is the path Pakistani
> people are determined to choose at any cost in the next election.
> Sincerely,
> S. Comrade
Lal Masjid Massacre
Stop Dividing Families
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir –
No Indian Army
Lal Masjid Massacre and Reaction of Pakistani Community in USA, July 2007
We, the Pakistan-American community in the USA, express our deep grief for the loss of life of the innocent people who died in the Lal Masjid in Islamabad in July of 2007. The Pakistani government greatly overreacted to a situation that could have been resolved peacefully if the Army Dictator Pervez Musharraf had desired to. The massacre shows that the Pakistani people love democracy and hate the dictatorship and outside intervention, and do not want to see such an incident ever happening again. We are also concerned for the victims of the recent floods in Pakistan. The government has been more concerned with fighting against the people than in helping the survivors. The Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, therefore, hereby resolves that:
1. There should be a national commission, including members of both the government and the opposition, that should have all necessary power to completely investigate the truth about the massacre at Lal Masjid, including the kinds of gas and other lethal weapons that were used against innocent people. It should also have all power to investigate any outside pressure to carry out the attack, and make those responsible answer before a court of law.
2. Musharraf is using a double standard in claiming that the people in the Lal Masjid “took matters into their own hands,” because this is exactly what Musharraf did when carrying out the attack on the Lal Masjid.
3. The country is not being run by the people but by Musharraf and the 16 Army generals.
4. The Musharraf regime has violated the civil rights of the people of Pakistan, including violation of the freedom of the press and ignoring the Constitution of Pakistan.
5. Musharraf’s dictatorship has for years been making people in the country disappear, and has been lying to the courts about these disappearances. We call on the government to release all political prisoners, labor and student leaders, including Member of the National Assembly Javed Hashmi.
6. The actions of Musharraf have led to unrest and produced insecure conditions for the people of the country and along the borders.
7. All these actions have led to a decline in the respect for the Army and to a crisis in the federal system.
8. The people of Pakistan love democracy in the same way as the people of the USA do. Those politicians in self-imposed exile can show their selflessness by returning to join the struggle for democracy without seeking any office.
9. General Musharraf must resign and appoint an interim government, which must hold transparent and fair elections under an independent and impartial Election Commission.
This Resolution as amended was passed (thanks to the heroic media of Pakistan) in a public meeting of the Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum held on July 15, 2007 at the Pakiza Restaurant, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Bush’s Policies and American DisCredibility
Stop Dividing Families
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir –
No Indian Army
Bush’s Policies and American Credibility
We, the people of the Pakistan-American community in the USA, feel concerned that the actions of President George W. Bush are giving a bad name to this country. He has made it seem to the whole world that the U.S. government does not care about the United Nations, internationally treaties or the Kyoto Agreements. The actions of Bush’s government seem to be above any law. Instead of solving old problems such as those of Palestine and Kashmir, Bush’s government is creating new problems through the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. As well, the problems of the immigrants, the survivors of Katrina, the millions of people without health care, are also unresolved. This is harming the prestige of the United States both at home and abroad. Therefore, the Pakistan USA Freedom Forum hereby resolves that:
1. The war being carried out by the U.S. government against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan is unjust and illegal, and only serves the interest of the large US oil and other corporations.
2. Bush’s government is using terrorism as a shield to attack other countries. This is doing a disservice to the people of the U.S., and particularly to the memory of those who died on 9/11/01.
3. The U.S. soldiers, who include many immigrants, are having their patriotic feelings misused in these attacks. They should be brought home now.
4. The U.S. prison facilities in Guantanamo Bay and other secret detention facilities overseas should be closed. The prisoners should either be brought to open trials in U.S. civilian courts or be released.
5. The treatment of over 12 million immigrants without papers is a shame on this country. Just as immigrants before them, they have only come here to work to be able to feed their families. They deserve full amnesty. Until and unless there is a bill passed, there should be no deportations.
6. The Bush government’s criminal negligence led so many victims of Hurricane Katrina to be killed or driven from their homes. Now the government has compounded this by making it impossible for hundreds of thousands of survivors to return home. All the survivors of Katrina must be given the means and opportunity to return.
7. The health care system is a tragedy for many people in this country. In the richest country in the world, it is shameful that more than 40 million people have no health insurance. As in other developed countries and even some less developed ones, everyone in the U.S. deserves free health care.
8. President Bush should not be permitted to shield his actions from the people and Congress by claiming “Executive Privilege.”
9. We are very concerned over the new tension between Washington and Moscow to use the alleged threats of Iranian missiles to put in place a new missile shield. We do not need a new cold war.
10. We hope that whoever is elected President in 2008 will open every file of the George Bush presidency for the benefit of the people of the USA.
This Resolution was passed in a public meeting of the Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum held on July 15, 2007 at the Pakiza Restaurant, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Let's make Musharaf last Dictator of Pakistan
Stop Dividing Families
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir –
No Indian Army
Say No to Busharaf, Say No to Negroponte
President George Bush has named British born deputy secretary of State John Dimitri Negroponte, the so-called "tought cold warrior" under the Regan era. Negroponte, from 1981-1996 served as ambassador to Hunduras, Mexico and the Phillipines. During his tenure in the Honduras military aid jumped from $4 million to $77.4 million as the Reagan regime prosecuted a muredrous war against the Nicaraguan people and the revolutionary Sandanista government that overthrew the brutal Somoza government. With the blood of 300,000 people on his hand from Central America, Negroponte is now slated to become the executioner of civil liberties in Pakistan,a country of 160 million--in collusion with the dictator Pervez Musharraf.
The Pakistani people will not be fooled by the manipulations of the Bush administration and their hatchet man. The Pakistani people are politically conscious and know what is happening in the world. Even now as Benazir Bhutto, the allegedly corrupt billionaire populist who was a two-time Prime Minister, alligns with the west, the Pakistani people are aware and have rejected her posturing. The people of Pakistan understand the role of the Choudhries from Punjab (PML(Q)) and the Choudhries from Karachi (MQM). For seven years both have supported Musharraf and continue to do so today, even after martial law has been imposed--which has brought with it mass arrests, beatings, murder and the silencing of any and all dissent.
Ambassador Negroponte will not bring any conscience to Musharraf, in fact he is there to strengthen the hand of the dictator. Pakistan is at a crucial point in its history. The oppressive forces are on the defensive and their benfactors in the U.S., represented by Amb. Negroponte care not for Democracy but in strengthening a corrupt and brutal dictator for their own imperialist interests of securing greater profit by dominating the rest of the world. What happened in Honduras will not be repeated in Pakistan. We ask of the people of the United States to stand with us and our fight for freedom and democratic rights.
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum calls on all Pakistanis to protest against the Washington administration that is patronizing the dictatorship. We should make Amb. Negroponte know that he is not welcomed to meet with any officials, be they in the Army or politicians or even step on our soil.
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum asks of the people to demand that:
1.) General Musharraf and his entire set should immediately lift martial law, resign and reinstate the 50 sacked justices, including Cheif Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chudary, who should then appoint a neutral caretaker government which chouls hold elections in January 2008,
2.) The elections would be considered bereft of any legitimacy if the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is not allowed to participate,
3.) All members of the heroic lawyers community, human rights workers, students, journalists, laborers, farmers and political activists must immediately be released.
For all self-exiled Pakistani political leaders, now is the time to return and fight for democratic rights for all of Pakistan. PUFF assures the world the Pakistani people will overcome and will make Musharraf the last dictator and will join in solidarity with the people of the world as we build a country on the basics of freedom and democratic rights for all. We stand in unison with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia and all the oppressed of the world fighting for an end to exploitation. Thanks to Pakistanis abroad and all those who have assisted the the struggle of the Pakistani people.
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Ambassador Of Death John Negroponte
John Negroponte, the US diplomat from hell, who ran the contras in Nicaragua, built death squads in Central America, and hid the torture, rape and murder of U.S. missionaries in Honduras in the 1980s has the blood of 300,000 Central Americans on his hands.
So that is why George Bush named Negroponte to be the executioner of civil liberties in Pakistan, in collusion with dictator Pervez Musharraf. The US government has worked with dictators before, has murdered millions, in Indonesia in the 1960s, in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s.
John Negroponte is the ambassador of death for US foreign policy, today, in Pakistan,and he is due to arrive in a few hours, to work with the dictatorship, to work against the people of Pakistan.
Pakistanis must cut out the venomous and stinking poison Washington has poured into the veins of every Pakistani dictatorship. Pakistanis must stop Negroponte from slithering Under cover of darkness into our nation, and acting against the rule of law, against our autonomy and in violation of our rights.
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum calls on our nation of 165,000,000 to protest the interference of John Negroponte, Washington's servant and the dictatorship's ally.
PUFF call on all Pakistanis today to begin a boycott of all US products and businesses in retribution for the oppressive dictatorship the United States has installed and maintains in our nation.
A united Pakistan can beat back these reptilian usurpers, can win our freedom, can fight for our legal and moral rights.
Assault onPakistani Judiciary and USA
2257 92nd Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
TO: Member of the House of Representatives, Senators, NGO's and Civic Society
The Pakistani-American community in the USA is deeply concerned about the current military assault on the Judiciary in Pakistan. We fully share their sense of desperation and despair as they are passing through a very critical time of their life under the dictatorship of Military General Pervez Musharraf. This would not have been possible without consent of the USA. We are equally concerned about the prevailing violations of basic human rights in the United Stated by the present administration as several people have been jailed or deported without due process. The Pakistan USA Freedom Forum, therefore, appeals to the entire civil society to strive for the restoration of civil liberties and rule of law, here and abroad. We strongly believe that:
1. Civil liberties of the people in the USA must be respected. Imprisonment and deportation of immigrants and other people without due legal process must be stopped. People currently held in jail should be released and provided the opportunity to defend themselves in the court of law. People jailed as "enemy combatants" should be tried under the Geneva Convention.
2. Rights of women and children must be fully respected. Women must not be separated from their children during incarceration. People present in the country should be provided legal protection and should not be deported without legal process.
3. The Attorney General of the USA has failed to keep his impartiality; therefore he must resign. People have lost trust in him. His continuous presence as AG could seriously affect impartiality of the judicial system of the USA.
4. We salute sacrifices of the men and women of our armed forces. They have been stretched to the limit and should be brought home immediately.
5. The American people have spoken loud and clear to stop the unnecessary war in Iraq. However, the Democratic leadership is failing in its responsibility to respect that mandate to stop meddling in Iraq and other countries.
6. US Government should stop protecting the military dictator General Musharraf and compel him to resign immediately. His current assault on the judiciary, false promises of true democracy and enlightened modernization are not believable by anyone anymore. He is using these tactics only to prolong his military rule, which has become an embarrassment for the USA.
7. The people of Pakistan love democracy in the same way as the people of USA. General Musharraf must resign and appoint an interim government, which must hold transparent and fair elections under an independent and impartial Election Commission.
8. Politicians residing abroad must return to Pakistan and participate in the political process of Pakistan. Their continuous absence is creating a leadership vacuum. They do not need and should not seek any permission from General Musharraf.
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
The Weakest Peace Broker at Annapolis
Stop Dividing Families
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369, USA
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Free Kashmir –
No Indian Army
The Weakest Peace Broker at Annapolis
For almost 60 years, the Palestinian people have been deprived of their homeland. With the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, the great majority of the Palestinian people were turned into refugees, either in the surrounding Arab countries, crowded into camps in the West Bank and Gaza, or treated as third class citizens within Israel. After 1967, Israel occupied the rest of Palestine, and still occupies the Golan Heights, which is part of Syria. Since then, Israel has built extensive settlements in the West Bank, and has built an apartheid wall cutting of the Palestinians from their most productive land. These actions are all contrary to a myriad of UN resolutions which called for a Palestinian state alongside Israel, the return of the territories occupied in 1967, and the right of return of the Palestinians to their home throughout Palestine. In all its actions, Israel has had the full support of the US, which gives it $# billion a year as a watchdog for the interests of the US oil corporations in the Middle East.
With this background, the US is now trying to act as “peacemaker” between the Palestinians and Israel. But how can a country be an honest broker for peace when all its actions for 60 years, under both Republican and Democratic administrations, have favored one side against the other. Who can forget the billions of dollars wasted by the infamous Henry Kissinger’s “shuttle diplomacy” that resulted in further oppression of the Palestinian people? The US claims to stand for democracy, but when the Palestinian people democratically chose Hamas to form a government, the US refused to have anything to do with that government. In a continuing display of a double standard, the US is supporting the brutal military dictatorship of General Musharraf in Pakistan in his declaration of a state of emergency against the people. And the US government has refused to recognize the right of the people of Kashmir to choose their own future, a right recognized in UN resolutions.
Even at home, while the US government preaches democracy to countries around the world, it treats African-Americans as second-class citizens, as witnessed by its response to the victim of Hurricane Katrina, the treatment of the Jena 6, and countless victim of police brutality. It is carrying out raids on immigrant workers, deporting tens of thousands of people, separating husbands from wives and parents from children. Especially since 9-11, it has been undermining the democratic rights enshrined in the Constitution of the United States.
In these times, the people of Pakistan have been standing up all across their country as well as abroad, against the military dictatorship, for justice and democracy, and against the military interference of the superpower in their internal affairs.
In these circumstances, we call upon all academics, professors, journalists, students and workers, in the US, in Europe and throughout the world, to stand up for a just and democratic peace in the Middle East, for the right of self-determination of the peoples from Palestine to Kashmir, Chechen, Kosovo, Somalia and elsewhere. A Palestinian state that is truly sovereign must have the right to its own armed forces, to full control of its borders, to control of its resources such as electric power, to choose its own government, and to allow all Palestinians to return to their homeland.
Can the US government, which has been unable to sit down and negotiate its differences with the small country of Cuba, but instead has carried out a brutal embargo against it for 50 years, can this government be an honest broker in the Middle East?
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
No Indian Army
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Pakistani Americans and the people of this great nation admire the people of Pakistan for their struggle against dictatorship. The history is witness that the people of Pakistan have defeated imperial United Kingdom to achieve their independence in 1947. They will do it again to achieve their freedom from dictator Musharraf. We fully support their struggle.
Pakistan is truly a unique nation. Many in the world look towards the people of Pakistan for moral support as similar struggles for self-determination and democratic values in underway in Nepal, Burma, Kashmir and Palestine.
The people of Pakistan are currently in the middle of a major fight to get rid of dictatorship and regain democracy! General Musharraf has promised to restore democracy since he assumed power through martial law. However, just like other dictators, he never fulfilled that promise. He has used guns to violate the Constitution, intimidation to stay in power and has put political leaders and leaders of civil society in jail. Even the Judiciary has not escaped his vengeance as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and 60 other Judges, their spouses and children are under house arrest. Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto, a leader of international stature, was killed in broad daylight and others are being threatened every day to curtail their political activities so that they cannot fully participate in the forthcoming elections. Hundreds have been killed and countless thousands have disappeared during Musharraf's reign.
Winds of change are sweeping the globe and we are hopeful that they will also come to Pakistan. As we prepare for the arrival of change we must demand that General Musharraf resign immediately, release all political prisoners, labor activists, students, human rights activists and intellectuals, free all Justices and their families, release all people who have been kidnapped by his agencies and hold free and transparent elections. His government must stop interfering in the election process and allow international NGOs to monitor fairness of the election.
Dr. Muhamad Shafique
(718) 397-5027
Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
No Indian Army
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Pakistani Americans and the people of this great nation admire the people of Pakistan for their struggle against dictatorship. The history is witness that the people of Pakistan have defeated imperial United Kingdom to achieve their independence in 1947. They will do it again to achieve their freedom from dictator Musharraf. We fully support their struggle.
Pakistan is truly a unique nation. Many in the world look towards the people of Pakistan for moral support as similar struggles for self-determination and democratic values in underway in Nepal, Burma, Kashmir and Palestine.
The people of Pakistan are currently in the middle of a major fight to get rid of dictatorship and regain democracy! General Musharraf has promised to restore democracy since he assumed power through martial law. However, just like other dictators, he never fulfilled that promise. He has used guns to violate the Constitution, intimidation to stay in power and has put political leaders and leaders of civil society in jail. Even the Judiciary has not escaped his vengeance as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and 60 other Judges, their spouses and children are under house arrest. Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto, a leader of international stature, was killed in broad daylight and others are being threatened every day to curtail their political activities so that they cannot fully participate in the forthcoming elections. Hundreds have been killed and countless thousands have disappeared during Musharraf's reign.
Winds of change are sweeping the globe and we are hopeful that they will also come to Pakistan. As we prepare for the arrival of change we must demand that General Musharraf resign immediately, release all political prisoners, labor activists, students, human rights activists and intellectuals, free all Justices and their families, release all people who have been kidnapped by his agencies and hold free and transparent elections. His government must stop interfering in the election process and allow international NGOs to monitor fairness of the election.
Dr. Muhamad Shafique
(718) 397-5027
Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Bush govt And Bias against Muslims
2257 92nd Street
East Elmhurst, NY 11369
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Pakistanis Americans and the people of this great nation admire all people of the world for their struggle for freedom and progress. From this we resolve that:
1. The United States should withdraw army from Iraq as soon as possible and provide financial and other support to our brave soldiers upon their return.
2. The news media should be fair and maintain its integrity. They should refrain from selective accountability, especially Islamic organizations.
3. The Homeland Security Department has become a joke due to their inefficiency and unnecessary delays. The back log in citizenship cases of many Immigrants must be concluded as soon as possible. The people who are eligible must be provided citizenship or green card as soon as possible without further delay.
4. The current policies for issuing student visas are discriminatory against students coming from Muslim countries. They must be changes and made fair and transparent. Unnecessary delays in issuing visas must be stopped.
5. The current policies of this administration have seriously affected the well being of people. The value of dollar have deteriorated to such an extent that it is becoming worthless against foreign currencies.
6. The current policies of this administration have seriously affected the prices of daily use commodities in the market. The government must develop a sound economic policy to provide relief to common people not just few rich people.
7. The current policies of this administration have seriously affected the respect of USA in the world, especially in the Muslim world. The government must change its policies to restore respect.
8. The current policies of this administration have seriously affected certain segment of home owners due to lack of regulatory oversight of lending institutions. The government should provide relief to those folks and establish clear guidelines and regulations to protect unsophisticated people of the society.
9. The current policies of this administration to provide aid to only selective countries in Africa are not only discriminatory but also are resulting in instability in that continent. The economic policies must be fair, transparent and developed based on the needs of people not of their rulers.
10. The administration’s current policy to provide aid to Egypt and Pakistan based on personal relationship with their dictators Hosni Mubarak and Pervez Musharraf are morally wrong and poor foreign policy. The aid should be provided based on the needs of people not to please few handpicked dictators.
11. The current policy of this administration to reward India by providing them with nuclear fuel must be stopped to prevent proliferation of atomic weapon race in the world.
12. The administration must establish a clear and eco friendly environmental policies and ratify internationally approved accords to delay environmental degradation and global warming.
Dr. Muhamad Shafique
(718) 397-5027 Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Occupation And Colonialism Real mother of terror
Pakistan USA Freedom Forum and the Pakistani community wish to thank all those who have shown their support to Dr. Aafia, whether by coming to the hearings or sending messages of support or by aiding the legal fund, which is a blessing from the family of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. At a time when the working people of the U.S. are suffering from the economic crisis, the bailout to the banks, loss of jobs, foreclosures and evictions, from the wars of aggression, we understand that this support is especially difficult but also especially important. In particular, we want to thank the International Action Center, May 1st Coalition, Bail Out the People, Troops Out Now, Workers World, World Can’t Wait, Progressive Women, Working People’s Voice, No Police State, Free Speech Union Square, students, artists and women’s organizations who have come out to show the face of the real New Yorkers who stand for justice.
Special thanks to Ms. Yvonne Ridley for coming to the USA at the invitation of the Muslim Legal Fund, www.mlfausa.com, (which collected more than $100,000 dollars for Dr. Aafia’s defense) to make a speaking tour for Dr. Aafia, with the blessing of her brother, Muhammad Siddiqui. Special thanks to the Theaters Against War (www.thawaction.org ), who have performed skits for justice every Monday evening, from 5-7PM, at 150 Park Row behind the court. Here is a link to a video broadcast to one of the weekly performance vigils for Fahad Hashmi organized by Theaters Against War - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOd8Ddtk_Zw . Here are the email addresses of Dr Aafia’s defense team: Elaine Sharp elainesharp@sharplaw.biz, Charles Swift cswift@prolegaldefense.com, Dawn Cardi dcardi@cardilaw.com, and Linda Moreno cmcdonald@prolegaldefense.com
Both Judges Berman and Preska, in the cases of Dr. Siddiqui and Fahad Hashmi, respectively, have been frequently changing the dates of the hearings at the last minute. This makes it difficult for the organizations involved to inform the public. Please visit the website for more information: www.muslimsforjustice.org, www.freefahad.com.
On November 3rd Dr. Aafia was brought to the court against her will, on the basis of her refusal submit herself to inhumane strip searches. She will not accept any further humiliation, no matter the consequence to her hearing and trial. How might it be possible to get justice in this situation, perhaps they will be able to put a camera in her cell? This will be a question for the Judge about how she can uphold the Constitution in this situation. The hearing was given in front of packed court of Dr Aafia's supporters, including youth, students, people from the religious community and others.
For up-to-date information, see www.freeaafia.org, the family approved web-site for Dr. Aafia, or e-mail news@freeaafia.org, sidd2@hotmail.com (e-mail of Muhammad Siddiqui), or pakusaff@hotmail.com.
We want to remind our friends that all these horrible inhumane events happen to innocent people due to the wrong foreign policies enforced by the Bush administration and dictator Musharraf. They declared the so-called war on terror on innocent men and women and shoved them into secret prisons at Guantanamo Bay without any evidence. PAKUSAFF is proud to give solidarity to DHRP, to the struggles for the missing people and camp in front of the Supreme Court from November 2, 2009 and be among the first voices of human rights to bring this truth to the public eye and we vow to continue working hard for truth and justice.
PAKUSAFF would like congratulate the men and women of Honduras for their continued struggle for democracy and freedom in Honduras. In the struggle against the military coup in their country, they continue to sacrifice their lives, attacked by the coup forces during peaceful actions and demonstrations. We were not satisfied with Obama's policy with Hondurans.
Obama and the US State Department continue their refusal to support the people of Honduras against the coup government. The people of Honduras are our partners in Pakistani struggles against the Bush-Musharaf and US polices that have been protecting the Pakistani dictators. We need to unite together and organize in support of the people of Honduras in all of our communities.
Contact: Shahid Comrade 917-280-0840 pakusaff@hotmail.com; Kouser Izhar 732-829-2601 kizhar1@hotmail.com; Mashal Anjum – Student Coordinator 732-570-4076 mashalanjum@gmail.com
Shahid Comrade
Secretary General (917) 280-0840
Dr. Mohammed Shafique
President (718) 343-1653
Please see the pictures (attached), 3 of which are from the demonstration against “Friends of Democratic Pakistan” in New York on September 24, and 1 (IMAGE_1558.JPG) is from July 27 when President Obama spoke at the Hilton Hotel in New York at the 100th Anniversary of the NAACP.
Free Kashmir
No Indian Army
82-44 243rd Street
Bellerose, NY 11426
(718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
End Raids and
Stop Dividing
The Pakistani community living abroad strongly resents the empty gesture of the so-called “Friends of Pakistan”. Since its inception on September 26, 2008, in New York, it has done nothing to help the people of Pakistan, thus these “Friends of Pakistan” have in reality become “Foes of Pakistan”. Their interest is just in a few ruling elites, not in helping the people of Pakistan. We were promise $100 billion, but we received only pennies.
We believe that an independent nation like Pakistan does not need a charity summit but is owed reparations. Pakistan helped the world to defeat the USSR during their occupation of Afghanistan and became host to 5 million refugees from Afghanistan due to this war. During the current terrorism campaign Pakistan is playing a pivotal role as a frontline state. Pakistan has deployed more than 180,000 soldiers in the tribal areas to support NATO forces. Pakistan has lost more people than NATO in this war and has suffered tremendous economic loss due to its direct involvement. After such extraordinary sacrifices, Pakistan needs compensation for those losses from these so called “Friends of Pakistan,” not charity.
The Pakistani people would be pleased if these friends can help Pakistan by asking United States and NATO to leave Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. They can help by setting up International Committees to solve disputed issues like Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya and Somalia, by removing restrictions towards Pakistani immigrants living in Europe and America, by providing scholarships to Pakistani students in the US and European universities, by providing technical cooperation to develop civil nuclear technology to overcome our energy shortage, which is hampering economic development. They can help by providing immigration to educated youth to keep them away from terrorist activities. They can help by stopping cross-border attacks and respecting Pakistani sovereignty. Instead of holding such humiliating conferences, these “friends” can help by reimbursing Pakistan for the use of its air bases and land for moving NATO troops and goods to Afghanistan and by stopping drone attacks. Just holding useless and degrading conferences is no help to Pakistan.
Pakistan is in great danger as a result of 10 years of Musharraf’s dictatorship under U.S. supervision. The lack of democracy forced a domestic war upon us by United States and the displacement of 3 million people from the Northwest region left Pakistan in shambles and ruined its economy. Pakistan needs at least $200 billion to establish and rebuild institutions that suffered badly from the support Pakistan gave to the US and Western powers and from the destruction of democratic institutions, schools and ecological problems. Prove that you are true Friends of Pakistan by paying back your dues, and ask NATO and the US to leave Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
Pakistan is in a dire position. There are now over 100,000 US and NATO troops which must leave the country. Those parties that up to now have been in “friendly opposition” because they don’t want to oppose an “elected government” must decide whether they want to become a real opposition and stand up for the sovereignty of the country. Nawaz Sharif already made a deal (although he denied it) with Musharraf, through the Saudis and through them with the US, which allowed him to go into exile in return for Saudi oil. Mr. Sharif, as leader of the second largest party in the country, the future will show whether you will make another deal or become a real patriot!
Solidarity with the Honduran People, who are also suffering under a military dictatorship.
For further information, please contact: Shahid Comrade (917-280-0840) or Mashal Anjum (732-570-4076) or Kouser Izhar (732-829-2601).
Shahid Comrade
Secretary General (917) 280-0840
Dr. Mohammed Shafique
President (718) 343-1653
Why is SaudI Arabia Coddling Dictator Musharaf
No Indian Army
82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426
Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Why Is Saudi Arabia Coddling Dictator Musharraf?
It has just been announced that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has sent his private plane to pick up Dictator Musharraf from his London mansion to bring him to Saudi Arabia for talks. We do not understand why King Abdullah would bring Musharraf, the Sharon of Pakistan (who together with his crony generals sold the country to U.S. imperialism, ran over the Constitution of the country, butchered and disappeared the people such as Dr. Affia Siddiqui and is the most hated man in our country), to Saudi Arabia, unless this meeting was arranged by the CIA.
Saudi Arabia has always been there for the people of Pakistan, as well as the people of Palestine and of other Muslim countries, when they needed help financially. Therefore we are surprised at this act, which is a stab in the back to the people of Pakistan and a conspiracy designed to erode the solidarity that exists between the people of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. This is an insult to the movement that struggled for the last eight years against Musharraf to remove him as dictator. We demand that the Pakistani government protest this interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs, as Musharraf’s situation is currently before the courts as a serious violation of the Constitution. We also call on the opposition parties, especially the party of Nawaz Sharif, who had been a guest of King Abdullah in the hard times when he had been exiled by Dictator Musharraf, to join in this protest. Pakistan is a poor but honorable and independent country, with laws, courts, and a Constitution, and the feeling of its people must be respected.
We will be calling on members of the Pakistani community, and all those who love democracy and are against dictatorships, to come out to the Saudi Arabian consulates in protest. We also ask the Saudi government to release the immigrant workers of Pakistan and other countries who have been manipulated into coming to work for high wages and then have been arrested for being without papers, as so many immigrants are arrested here in the U.S. We know that King Abdullah wants to modernize his country, and the Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum hope that the Saudi people will be able to form a civilized government, chosen by the people, rather than having to live under a family monarchy.
Dr. Muhammad Shafique
Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
Musharaf’s role in degradation of Pakistan!!!
82-45 243rd Street
Belle Rose, NY 11426
(718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com End Raids and
Stop Dividing
Musharaf’s role in degradation of Pakistan!!!
Thanks to the 9 years of Dictatorship Musharaf’s regime, Pakistan is on the verge of destruction, poverty, and un-lawful undemocratic constitution. Regardless of the pictures portrayed by the western media, Bush Administration and current Pakistani politicians, he is rated the worst Army general in recent modern history of Pakistan and Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. When Pakistan was in dire need to advance in technology, economy, education, business and security, he pushed back people of Pakistan in the dungeons of dark ages. He broke constitution of Pakistan many times just to benefit himself and the people around him and worked to strengthen Bush Administration. He did not take any measures when Imperial powers were bombing Pakistan borders and killing innocent civilians, children and women. He broke the laws and supreme court rulings and removed Iftikhar Chaudhry and fellow judges and lawyers just to stay in power. He lied and cheated Pakistani people with money and power and stole their rights to raise voices. He appointed Shaukat Aziz and many others just to cover his crimes and they stole more than 50-60 billions of dollars out of people of Pakistan.
Today, when he is speaking in front of people of United States and students and professors, we want to remind our friends the true nature of Dictator Musharaf, what he has done to Pakistan’s sovereignty, and what people of Pakistan think about him. For about 9 years of dictatorship regime, they did not have basic human rights; they slept hungry without food and shelter. Their husbands, fathers, brothers, daughters and children were abducted daily as the dictatorship did not like the roadblocks to achieve supremacy and power. All foreign aid ended up in their pockets instead of building schools, roads, bridges, and economic recovery projects for the poor. He was the ally in helping Bush Administration in people’s abduction and shipping them to Guantanamo Bay and other secret prisons around the world. It is also evident that his administration was engaged in kidnapping of innocent men and women who stood in their way to power and the poor relatives did not know the wareabouts of their loved ones. Dr Aafia and other innocent detainees are still in Guantanamo Bay and other secret prisons and being tortured and paying the price of his actions who benefited himself only.
It is our duty to bring the truth and show real face of dictator Musharaf and condemn his actions. We appeal to our friends to show respect to the people of Pakistan and help us bring him to the justice!
For info, Please contact: Shahid Comrade: 917-280-0840 Mashal Anjum – Student coordinator: 732-570-4076
Kouser Izhar 732-829-2601
Shahid Comrade
Secretary General (917) 280-0840
Dr. Mohammed Shafique
President (718) 343-1653
Responsibility of Trade Unions and People of Conscience for March for Jobs, Pittsburgh
No Indian Army
82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426
Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
Stop Dividing
End the Raids and
Responsibility of Trade Unions and People of Conscience for March for Jobs, Pittsburgh
To our trade union brothers and sisters:
Over 100 trade union, religious, civil rights and immigrant right organizations and over 350 individuals are calling on people to come to Pittsburgh on September 20 for a March on Jobs, right before the “G-20” summit of the political leaders of the 20 largest economic powers to be held in that city. The endorsers include the United Steel Workers and the United Electrical Workers, who are mobilizing for the march. The Bailout the People Movement, as initiators of this activity, have always taken courageous and bold stands. They have respect because they have been willing to work with others.
This struggle needs your help. Working people are facing their biggest crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Right now, over 27 million people are unemployed or underemployed in the country (14.9 million officially unemployed, 9.1 million unemployed and 2.3 million not counted because they had not looked for work in 4 weeks). A record 1.5 million homes have gone into foreclosure in the first half of 2009. The labor movement has been on the decline, as the big corporations and their government manipulated some trade union leaders to think that the way forward was to collaborate with the bosses rather than fight against them. The labor movement has always been strongest when it has worked with other social sectors.
Now many workers have begun to fight back. Stella D’Oro workers in the Bronx have been fighting against wage and benefits cuts and a plant closing for a year. The Republic Windows workers in Chicago took over their plant to win their severance and health insurance due them. Immigrant workers have been demonstrating for legalization. Homeowners are fighting against foreclosure, students are opposing tuition increases, women are fighting for equal rights and wages, people of color are opposing racial profiling and police brutality. Meanwhile, the U.S. is spending $100 million each day for the war against Afghanistan, but cannot find the money for health insurance for the poor. The governments are continuing their bailouts of trillions of dollars to the banks and big financial institutions. The recent G-20 ministerial meeting in London approved the multi-million dollar bonuses to the managers of these institutions, showing that they care for the CEOs but not for the common people.
It is high time for the labor leaders to join with others in fighting for a people’s agenda. It will show your respect and love for the working people to have a tent in Pittsburgh with your union banners. You can help provide busses to bring people from other parts of the country. You could help to also set up a job fair, show students how to apply for tuition assistance, help people to fight against foreclosures. In other countries, such unity between the trade union movement and other workers has brought gains for all working people.
We must show that we are the ones with a conscience, that we care about the working people here and around the world. Please come to Pittsburgh and show your support!
March: Sunday, Sept. 20, 2 PM, Monumental Baptist Church, Soho & Wylie Streets
Contact: Bail Out the People Movement, www.BailOutPeople.org, March4Jobs@gmail.com, NYC: 212-633-6646, Pittsburgh: 412-780-3813
Dr. Muhammad Shafique
Mr. Shahid Comrade
General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Bush fiddles while Asia burns!
End The Raids & Deportations –
Stop Dividing Families
Tel (718) 397-5027 or (718) 763-3543
Fax (718) 574-4333
E-mail: pakusaff@hotmail.com
No Indian Army
Bush fiddles while
The government of President Musharraf in
These are wealthy, populous lands, with pipelines snaking through the heart of Asia, sucking all of the oil and natural gas out of
We stand with the people of
Bhutto’s assassination shows that making a deal with the U.S. government and its puppets does not work, since they will get support you one day and kill you the next. This must be an example that we must put our reliance on the common people, not on one rich politician over another.
For over one hundred years, the Western powers have exploited, ravaged, and murdered millions of Asian people in the interest of the big corporations. The atomic bombs at
PAKUSAFF condemns the
PAKUSAFF calls on people from all Asian countries who live in the
Dr. Muhammad Shafique Mr. Shahid Comrade
President General Secretary
(917) 280-0840
Free Kashmir No Indian Army PAKISTAN – USA FREEDOM FORUM 82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426 Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543 E-mail: pa...
From: pakusaff@hotmail.com > To: studnt@gmail.com; samiabrahim@gmail.com; actioncenter.nycact@organizerweb.com; adeebpress@gmail.com; aha...
Free Kashmir No Indian Army PAKISTAN – USA FREEDOM FORUM 82-44 243 St., Bellerose, NY 11426 Tel (718) 343-1653 or (718) 763-3543 E-mail: pa...